Thursday, September 21, 2006

What To Say About Today?

Well, so far today I used my new parking pass (yay), hit the gym (sweaty), read some Constitutional Law, went to my first Library Tutorial, Went to Constitutional Law class, ate lunch (I bought an egg salad sandwich, and my Diet Coke now sits beside me, waiting to be cracked), and now I'm reading until 2:30, when I have two more classes.

I can't wait to get home and sleep, I'm bagged.

Fun thing - I found out how to get from the Law building to Kirk Hall without going outside. It's a bit of a labyrinth, but since it's kind of raining today, I was thrilled with it.

I got to watch the season opener for America's Next Top Model last night, ahhh ... ANTM ... how I've missed you. It won't be quite the same here in Saskatoon, as my ANTM watching posse are all so far away from me - three in Calgary, one in Montreal. BUT - as you can see from my sidebar below, we're all watching it together - in spirit.

I'm super excited about the plans for this weekend. Jason and I get to go to the wedding of some friends of ours, in Banff. Should be awesome.

Tomorrow, our Torts class is cancelled - so we only have one class at 1:00. Yup - that means a serious sleep-in. I can't wait.

OH! One more thing. I've been meaning to write about this. Yesterday (while in the horrific cold parking line-up) I finished reading a book. This book was probably one of the best books that I've read in the last 2 years (which is saying a lot, because I read a LOT of books in 2 years). The writing itself is stellar, the story is stellar, I'm just enamoured with this author - and this was her first work! Do yourself a flavour (heh heh), and check this book out. It is long, but it only took me 2 weeks to get through (and I'm in law school for goodness sakes).

Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by: Susanna Clarke

It's magical, witty, smart, mysterious, enchanting, amazing, dreamy, and dark. SUCH a good read. GO. RIGHT NOW. BUY IT. And tell me what you think afterwards.

You can read more about it at:

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