Thursday, September 14, 2006

I Got a Gym Locker!

Yay! I left the house at 7:00 this morning, hit my Law locker, and then headed over to the PAC (Physical Activity Centre, I think), and got in line for a gym locker. The office opened at 8:30, and when I got into line at just before 7:30, the line wrapped around the running track 3/4 of the way. Crazy. I did get a locker though, and was only 5 minutes late for my Constitutional Law class. I'm so very excited.

I didn't get ANY reading done at home last night (testament to the fact that reading at school is a way better route for me to take). It didn't matter in Constitutional Law, I skimmed that reading while in line for my locker, and I even raised my hand and spoke up today (I'm still thinking of the comments that I got here, and stick to the formula of speaking up every three classes - he he he, still haven't id'd any GUNNER's in my class yet, though).

Ah ... the rain. How I love it (or hate it, I really flip-flop on that one, it really depends on whether I have organized sports on the go, or no).

Anyhoo - back to the reading! I only have one case to read before 2:30, and then one more case to read for tomorrow - yay for keeping on top of reading!

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