Well, The Biggest Test is Done, Bring on the Next! Wednesday, I wrote my Constitutional Law final exam, which was worth 100%. It was 3 hours, and it flew by. I did take more time, though, to plan out each answer, than I did on my Contracts mid-term (which was

an hour and a half). I think this really helped. I actually wrote an outline for each answer before I started writing.
I did the essay question first, since I figured that this question would be the easiest one for me to keep going on and on in, when it was worth the least amount of marks. I'm glad I got it out of the way first.
Next, I did the question worth the most amount of marks. There was a lot to it, it was a validity question ... there are a lot of characterizations to apply, and a few doctrines to go through. My friggin' hand sure hurt after that one. I tried to ID all the issues, and discuss them thoroughly, and I did try to spice in a few insights/policy type things ... we'll see if I hit it all.
Lastly, I did the difficult but short question, which was worth medium marks (I know, I'm feeling so verbal this morning). It didn't seem that short to me, it was a Paramountcy question, and kind of messed me up. Again, we'll see about that one.
Today at 3:30, we're supposed to be able to pick up our open memos. I'm kind of dreading getting it back. I worked so hard on it, and tried to go with much of the feedback that I got. If I didn't improve my mark from the closed memo, I'm going to be frustrated. Sigh. Double. Sigh.
But then, getting my memo back would require me to go outside today, something I'm not to keen on, especially when it as soooooo nice yesterday. Today it's blustery and cold. I know, I'm not going to complain since I've been lucky to have all the nice weather here lately, but it makes me want to stay in bed (where I am right now actually, heh heh heh).
Here's a screenshot from the U of S webcam (

Yup. Looks cold, and kinda dreary. Oh well, I only have to leave the house between 2:30 and 3:30, hopefully it brightens up a bit by then.
Yesterday, I took the day off from exams and got a bunch of things done to gear up for the trip home. Did a bit of Christmas shopping, hit the Midtown Plaza, which has underground parking (divine). I wrapped some prezzies, packaged them up in a big bag, and started packing for my trip home. I have a lot of books that I'm bringing home, to go through for my Pro Bono project, so I have to make sure that they fit. I opted not to check any luggage on my way home, so it might be tricky.
I also did all my laundry, washed and changed all my bedding, vacuumed my room, and otherwise straightened up. It was great. Oh - and I watched Battlestar Gallactica. Made me pretty happy.
I feel ready to take on studying for my Property mid-term now, which is the task of the day that I better get rocking on.