Thursday, November 16, 2006

Still the Bees

Exciting news - I just spotted a mention of MY BLOG in the Canadian Bar Association newsletter, the Addendum (student edition)! I feel famous, and appreciated, and validated, and oh-so very special (or ... "spesh" as my Dad would say). How very cool. It's an article about law student blogs ... so I'm going to have to check out some of the other blogs that were mentioned.

As for the bees - it's the ones in your head. It's Open Memo season, officially, and I've been given my Torts problem. After being given serious talks about ethics and academic honesty, I'm now almost too paranoid to even write about my experience thus far (i.e. 2nd day in), but I'm going to go for it anyway ... I'd like to think of myself as a risk taker.

First, I'd like to start by saying that the legal research flow chart that we were given in our Legal Research and Writing class - GOLDEN. It's pretty much a forehead slapper if you even try to start researching your issue without looking at what this flowchart says (i.e. START with a textbook). I can't emphasize this enough - START WITH A TEXTBOOK. It may not have the answer to your problem directly, but it gives you a starting point ... which is pretty valuable when it comes to searching aimlessly through a HUGE database of legislation and case law.

I have a lot of ideas buzzing around in my head regarding my problem ... as it was designed to NOT be directly on-point with anything that is currently around ... the bees are buzzing with different takes, some of them feel a little crazy, some feel pretty conservative. I created a flowchart (I'm into flowcharts right now, obviously) about Duty of Care (with group input from some classmates), and I'm going to try and stick with that, ignore the bees until I'm done, and then let the bees run wild, and see if they have anything interesting that could still be worked into my problem. Does that make sense? Is it scary if it makes sense to me?

I had an interesting comment a couple of posts back from Yorick, who asked "...if you had to describe your law school experience up to this point with a single word, what would that word be?" I answered "VAGUE". I decided to pose the question to some fellow law students, and the answers I got were: vague, confusing, arbitrary. Yup - it's a consensus.

AND ... I'm so excited about going home this weekend. It's been almost distracting in a bad way to be apart from my Husband, and I get a whole weekend with him, and most of next week too (I'm flying back home on Tuesday, since I have no school on Wednesday or Friday ... extended long weekend for me, and lots of quiet time to write my memo).

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