Wednesday, January 10, 2007

It's a Blizzard BABY!

Snow in Saskatoon

Here's a picture from standing in the doorway of my townhome this morning. On the radio, they're officially calling it a blizzard!

Now, usually when I'm talking about the weather in Saskatoon, I'm complaining (some would call it whining, but I wouldn't go that far). As for the blizzard .... I love it! It's so beautiful ... so dramatic! I plan on taking the bus, so I'll avoid the heart attack that will go along with driving ... as long as nothing prevents me from flying home on Saturday, I say ... bring it on!

When I opened the door to take the picture, the blizzard gushed it's way into my living room. I think it just wanted to play. It was one of those moments where I had to move fast, and then close the door for fear of having to shovel my hardwood floors later.

I put on my long underwear already, and my nice wool sweater. I'll make the trek to the bus stop (the busses are a little late as per the radio guys), and hopefully I'll get to school in one piece. By about noon, it's supposed to be -41 C with windchill. Yup ... that's a bit chilly ... but now that I've got the long undies, I'm not afraid!

I wonder what it takes for a snow day here in Saskatoon? I should google that.

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