Friday, June 29, 2007
Well ... not my birthday, birthday ... but it's the one year anniversary of my life as a blogger.
My first post was June 29, 2006, and I've been going strong ever since. It was pretty neat to take a walk through memory lane, and dance through some of my previous posts. The last year went by so fast, it's nice to have the blog as a testament to my trials and tribulations.
In honour of my anniversary, I decided that I'm going to make some changes to the look of my blog, but slowly and over time, so watch for a new look!
As far as news goes, nothing much to report here. Plugging away at work, no news yet about the transfer, and I'm looking forward to a July long weekend of camping and relaxation (via ATV use, of course).
I've been reading Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M. Auel for the first time ... which is funny, since I've almost read it so many times before. Friends of mine in high school LOVED this series, and I could have borrowed the books whenever I wanted, but it's almost like I've been saving them ... until now. And ... I love them. Very different reads ... but I'm really enjoying them. The kind of reading that stays with you throughout the day until you can get back to it and continue the adventure.
Also, I got an Alan Turing biography out of the library, and I'm so excited to start it. I know, it's a little bit high on the embarrassing scale, but I don't care. I no longer have any shame ... so don't even try.
I've really been thinking about the book I've been reading, In Praise of Slowness: How a Worldwide Movement is Challenging the Cult of Speed by Carl Honore. It has really helped me with some of the life decisions that I've had to make lately, and really forced me to think critically about my future, and about how being faithful and honest about priorities is really a good thing.
As a law student, I don't want to fall into the trap of feeling as though I MUST work 20 hour days in order to "get ahead". I don't personally believe this, and I don't ever want to work for a place that would try and make me believe this (a la . Not sure if this is naive, but certainly something that's staying in the front of my mind.
In this book, there's a whole section on slow cooking, which makes me think that Hubs and I have been missing out on an opportunity to really make our meals events ... to really take pleasure in the choice of ingredients and the preparation of our meals, and to turn cooking into a joy rather than a chore. This is something that I must work on.
As a kick start to this, I've added a new blog to the sidebar:
It's a cuisine blog written by a fellow poster on a forum that I frequent, and I'm looking forward to going through it and trying out a few of her works of art!
We live within walking distance of the Calgary Farmer's market, so I vow to take advantage of this resource ... and branch out a little with my culinary prowess. I'd love to take some cooking lessons (especially with Jason ... how fun). I've taken a vegetarian workshop at the Cookbook Co. Cooks before (which was awesome), but they fill up so fast, and Jason and I are pretty committed to our team sports schedule over the summer months (starting in two weeks I'm doing soccer, ultimate Frisbee, and beach volleyball ... exciting). We'll see how it goes.
Oh ... oooh oooh oooh ... how excited am I about the movie Stardust that is coming out August 10th. I read Neil Gaiman's book (of the same name) back in Saskatoon, and loved it dearly. I'm just starting to hear things about the movie, and they all seem to be pretty good. Really seems to be a star-studded cast, VERY excited. Neil Gaiman has some movie Q&A on his journal, which is fun to read through.
Anyhoo - have a good long weekend everyone. I'll be back on Tuesday, hopefully with some sweet pictures to show you how I'm doing with handling my quad!!!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
There are so many good reasons why ... but today, the main reason is that I got an e-mail from the U of C saying that there are still no transfer decisions, as there is only one spot open right now. "ONE SPOT" is the part that I'm finding depressing. I can wait for my answer ... but "one spot" seems so scary.
I might need some Dairy Queen tonight. I know, it was an exam-stress coping mechanism that I'm now paying for ... but at the time ... it felt so good.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Spent the weekend at Jason's work's Family Fairmont trip. We stayed at the Fairmont Hot Springs Resort, where we had a fabulous time. The staff were accommodating, and the people at Jason's company really put together an amazing weekend of organized goodness. Unfortch, the batteries in my camera died, so I have no pics to share.
Friday, we arrived to a cocktail reception in the lounge, there were people in the hot springs, people all over. Was great, got to meet a lot of the people that Jason works with (that weren't at the Christmas party), and their significant others.
Saturday was nice and leisurely, after breakfast we hit the Copper City Amusement Park where Jason beat me at mini golf (although, I think I got more hole-in-ones than him), and where we both got to go-kart like crazy (him, a little more crazy than I, natch). Dinner was back at the hotel, with drinks and a DJ in the lounge afterwards.
Sunday, after breakfast, we stopped in to Invermere, and slowly made our way back home, where we both promptly fell asleep and napped the night away (before getting up and going to bed).
Kinda sucks being home now, since when on a company trip like this, every single thing is taken care of for you. We didn't spend much except for a tank of gas to get there, and one lunch that we had on our own apart from the rest of the work gang. Pretty amazing, we're pretty lucky.
Still no transfer news, I promise to keep my Transfer Watch 2007 sidebar information updated.
AND ... I think it's about time to have a Summary part 2 for my first year of law school - I'll start working on it, so stay tuned for that one.
Heheheheheh. A New York picture of mine from Flickr was chosen to be put into the Schmap New York guide. Neat, hunh? Here's the widget form:
Friday, June 22, 2007
... yup. Friday. I've been fighting the chocolate demons all day, and so far I'm winning ... we'll see about later on, though. Later on my resolve usually dissolves.
This weekend we're heading out to Fairmont for Jason's work's family weekend. Should be a blast ... a real treat. I'm just thinking of the laundry that I have to do before I go ... not sure when that'll happen ... but dreams do come true, don't they?
Still no news yet from U of C, but I'll post as soon as I know. I should really give this an official name ... Transfer Watch 2007 ... something like that. Then I can shorthand it for those keeping track with me. TW2007. I'll put this code in the sidebar ... and when I know I can update it. That way, my whining will be subtle!
I'm finally less sore today from my soccer match on Tuesday ... I guess playing forward (as opposed to defense) the whole time really makes a difference to my ol' muscles. Ouch.
Other than the ramblings above, I got nothin' else. Quiet day today. I don't even have any rants, as a last blog alternative. Rant free ... it's a new Lisa era.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
... of a headache yesterday. Ouch. I think I didn't drink enough water the day before (Tuesday), and then I played soccer in the glorious, glorious sunshine. Wednesday, I was a wreck. BUT ... I drank water like a crazy woman, and I'm back in tip-top shape today.
A lot ... basically. That's no sarcasm ... I LOVE THE SUN.
Still waiting on transfer news, but have found lots to do to distract myself. With the sun shining, I'm getting to do all that I've wanted to do for quite a while. Now ... I just need to lay my hands on a bike so I can start riding to work. Hmmmm .... must check my best friend - Craigslist.
ALSO - I found a website that I didn't know about before -->
You can buy/sell handmade things ... I must keep this in mind for gift-giving time. There are some really awesome things on there - a definite spot to check out.
My flower box plants are still alive. Surprisingly. It looks like the rain made them very happy, so that's a bonus. I've been remembering to water them and everything. I want them to be lush, and rich looking, so I may add a little fertilizer in a week or two ... not too much though ... I recently heard a story about a guy who burned his lawn off from adding too much fertilizer ... I'm doing so well with my plants, I can't wreck them now that patio season has officially arrived.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Went to see Mr. Brooks last night. First movie that I've really loved Kevin Costner in. I KNOW! I didn't believe it was possible. Sure, I've LIKED him in different things, he was good enough in Robin Hood, people seem to love him in Tin Cup ... yada, yada, yada. BUT ... but. Mr. Brooks ... first time I've ever seem him be really different in a movie. Loved it. He even had a naked scene (from the back of course). Movie reminded me a great deal of Lucky Number Slevin, same kinda flavour. Chilling ... in a good way.
Saw two bunnies frolicking as I walked in to work. No joke. Frolicking. Made me feel like I should have more energy this morning.
Got an e-mail from the U of C yesterday (responding to my inquiry of when the transfer applications will be processed). They said I should hear "very soon". So ... I'm figuring by the end of this month. I thought that news would make me feel better, but now that I'm actually faced with the reality of knowing my fate for the next two years, I'm feeling a little panicky. In a way, there's a comfort in knowing that a big decision is looming, but that you have time to deal with it.
Once I know, I'll either be able to move on with my life here (cross your fingers), in which case Jason and I have a lot of organization things to do (house stuff, selling a car etc.), OR ... I'll be planning a move to Saskatchewan, the thought of which brings be chest pain. Yeah ... I know, I'm a whiner.
Anyhoo ...
Monday, June 18, 2007
Stephen Hawking and his daughter are writing a children's sci-fi novel. Sign me up!
... as a law student is ... "What kind of lawyer do you want to be?"
Not only is it a super tough question, it usually puts me into a spin. I start feeling overwhelmed because I don't REALLY know that much about the law yet ... I start feeling as though I have no direction, because I REALLY don't know the answer to that question.
With a background in technology and health care, and a passion for the protection of rights and freedoms, I didn't know where I wanted to end up. I was leaning towards intellectual property, because it made sense (with the technology background) ... but the more I looked into it, I realized that I wasn't getting fired-up over the idea of trademarks and copyrights.
How important is it to get fired up about something? When I go back and read things that I've written when I'm fired up about an issue, when I feel somewhat passionate, somewhat righteous, somewhat angry, or somewhat appalled over something, the words I put together seem to be more powerful, more convincing, more persuasive, and even more artistic. While this may seem to be common sense to many of you, I finally realized that the only way that I can truly be the best advocate that I can be is if I am fired up about the issue I'm arguing.
So .. what does get me fired up? Feminist law, and the idea of sexual discrimination cases, anything in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms class that we took (my best mark in 1st year law school) ... but when it comes to the feminist law area, I don't know that I want to make my career in it. The issues are so close to home, that I think working in this area would be too much for me. I want to be able to pursue these issues on a personal level, on my own time. So ... where does that leave me?
I came across this site which I posted back in May on my blog:
On here, there was one story in particular that twigged some kind of neural dance in my brain. Here's the story:
After reading it ... I got fired up. All the aspects of law that I want to put together ... finally ... have come together for me. Technology, health care, rights protection ... it all fits in privacy law. The power imbalance is extraordinary in health care settings especially; patients truly are at the mercy of their health care providers, and there is SOOO much information that we trust providers to take care of on our behalf.
My summer job with the Alberta Cancer Board has given me an inside perspective for the way that patient information is protected by a large Albertan health provider. It has cemented for me that there is still so much work to be done in terms of the law and policy and setting standards in a technical context as opposed to an information flow context.
I have had an epiphany. I think I want to be a privacy lawyer.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
The comment left on my last post is what really helped. My goal today is to NOT check the U of C website in the hopes that I can continue living a normal and meaningful life free from the ticks I develop every time I check myUofC and see no change. While I had hoped that the ticks would constitute "exercise" while sitting at my desk all day ... the mental affliction that comes along with the ticks is enough of a detriment to make me search for exercise in the form of a walk at lunch instead.
In the pursuit of my "normal and meaningful" life, I went for dinner last night with some friends (one of my Saskie roomies, it was her B-Day, and some of the girls she knows from school here in Calgary). We went to Melrose and enjoyed a nice dinner and drinks. It was funny being back at Melrose, which is where I met my husband. Here's an excerpt from our wedding website:
It's a place that's near and dear to my heart (cough, cough ... sappy, I know). I've had some great girls nights out there, and it was funny to do a spin around the bar when I've been gone for awhile.
Oh yeah - and since I've decided to NOT focus on the transfer thing, I need everyone to mentally will the loonie to reach 1$ US. My Father-In-Law made a promise to my Mother-In-Law and I if the loonie gets to 1$ ... and it's a really good one! So ... brain waves unite! Let's get that loonie above and beyond the US dollar!!!
One of my U of S classmates is in town for a "firm tour". I got to talk to him for a bit, which was nice. Weird, since my worlds had been so segregated ... it was like Saskatoon and Calgary worlds crashing together. I've been so focused on the transfer deal, and normalizing myself to living with my Husband back in Calgary, that it hasn't occurred to me that things like "firm tours" actually take place.
For a second it made me feel like I should be initiating like connections and tours, and then I realized that this is the rub of law school. It is so hard to acknowledge that you have quite enough on your plate, I always feel like I COULD be doing more. You can see how it is so easy to fall into a lifestyle where you actually do work 20 hours a day (or something equally ridiculous). The thing that I've learned about myself is that in each decision that I make, I want to make it according to how I actually want to live my life. NOT according to how others are living theirs, or according to what I think I COULD do ... but according to what is best for me and my family. Spending all summer thinking about anything other than what I've already got going on inside my head would truly send me over the edge.
Ya KNOW?!?!?!?
PS. I love the show Scrubs.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Yesterday was Dad's 60th B-day party, a nice gathering with family friends at the family home with some wine, cheese, yummy dips, and of course, B-Day cake.

One thing I have to comment on ... Mom found this great place downtown that makes edible flower arrangements - out of fruit! Here's the one we had for Dad's party:

And ... there are tons more on the website here:
Gorgeous, yummy, I'll have to remember these for future parties and soirees!
Also, Jason and I (with the help of Joe and his truck) picked up a table and 8 chairs today that I found advertised on Craigslist. I'm so excited. There's an insert that makes the table square (and seats 8). They're a little rough in a few spots, but with my handy-hubby, we should be able to smooth them out. It is so worth it, because we got the table SOOOOO cheap! SO EXCITING!

Saturday, June 09, 2007
... I can't keep track of them all. It's a real exercise in memory. Hopefully this will keep my mind youthful and sharp.
I'm the luckiest girl in the world. My Husband is just finishing the second of two bookshelves so that I can store all my wonderful books without having him trip all over them! I'll post a picture later, since as per usual, my camera batteries are dead.
Also ... I'm writing from my deck, enjoying the morning time temperatures, and relaxing while Jason's at golf. Heavenly.
Part of the heavenly morning ritual was getting the Herald so that I could peruse through it at my leisure (with a Tim's coffee, of course), and I saw an article that caught my attention like crazy. On page A5 there's an article entitled "Scientist wants to patent life form" about Dr. Craig Venter wanting to patent the "building blocks of life" that he has claimed to have isolated. Sounds exciting, but also scary. The legal/moral/ethical implications are so huge ... I searched it out a bit more, and here's what I found:
Interesting stuff. Can you imagine releasing a man-made organism into the wild? What kind of effect would it have on the balance of our eco-system? Seems almost like a science fiction short story. I'm reminded of Ray Bradbury's story A Sound of Thunder. I think I read it in Junior High, but it's certainly a chilling read. Highly recommended to anyone.
How exciting, though, to be living in an age when science fiction is truly becoming reality. I suppose that could be said for any age, as science fiction is always ahead ... but truly ... I'm always amazed by what is going on around us.
I haven't checked the U of C website yet ... I'm hoping that this is a sign that the neuroticism is dying down a little.
Also - the plants on my deck appear to be doing well. Hopefully I can keep them going the entire summer. I'll be so excited if I can.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
I'm not referring to the transfer ... that jury is still out ... please cross all your toes and all your fingers for me (I was thinking again today about having to sell my house and move to SK, and I could feel the weeping trying to get out). SUCCESS ... because I fit back into a pair of dress pants that were getting a little too snug for comfort. So ... looks like eating like a normal human being as opposed to a blizzard eating binge-machine truly is starting to work. YAY!
Dad's B-day was nice last night. We went for dinner to the Red Lobster ... mmmm ... garlic cheese biscuits. Why are those dang garlic cheese biscuits so freakin' good? I think I dreamed about them last night ... we were on a date, garlic cheese biscuits and I, and let me tell you, there was no need for a main course if you know what I mean. After the red lobster dinner, the family went back to the house and had some prezzies and b-day cake ... an ice cream cake from Lic's. Mmmm ... rollo ice cream cake. Needless to say, I was rather surprised that my pants fit me this morning.
I'm starting to get antsy about the transfer for more than just my personal reasons. I'm getting a little nuts in thinking about course selection. One thing about being in this limbo is that I've been trying to scan the course options for both schools, so that I'll have an idea of where I'm at once I get the word on where I'll be. If it takes a long time to find out about the transfer, I may have to pick courses @ U of S, and then see about U of C afterwards. Sigh. I'm getting a little crazy.
Living in limbo is not fun. Even the poor Hubster is suffering; choices about career, and leisure activity investments (read: ATV purchasing) are all on hold until we figure out where we're going to be.
Poor me, poor me, poor me ... yeah right. I know ...
OH - and the crazy flooding that went on here ... yeah ... it was nuts. I didn't get any pictures myself, so I don't want to post any online ... but it was nuts. On Tuesday night, there was a ravaging thunder storm that went through here. I was in the middle of playing Heart Shaped Box on Guitar Hero (and let me tell you, I was rocking), when there was a huge lightning blast, we could actually hear the sizzle, and thunder right away, and then the power in our house went out. We were without power for 2 hours! Jason, my in-laws and I sat on our window seat and just watched the spectacular lightning display. There are some pictures circulating via e-mail of the flooding that went on in some parts of the city, cars were almost entirely submerged ... I guess all do to the fact that we got 72 mm (or so) of rain in less than 3 hours.
The CTV website has a bunch of stories on it:
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
... again! It's the bug that won't give up. But ... I'm on the upswing.
Exciting news release from the gov't of Alberta:
Government Approves Province-Wide Smoking Ban in Public Places
Had dinner last night at Oceana restaurant ... oh so good. I had halibut and it was heavenly.
Will write more later on today.