Thursday, May 01, 2008

I Spent All Day Yesterday

... fiddling around with the Law Student's Association website. I'm going to put it through an overhaul this summer, in hopes of achieving a really useful tool for both current students and people that are thinking about becoming students, but I still want to maintain the "look" that we had going on. I redid a few things, just to make them look a little more streamlined ... I hope.

I just have to figure out how to get the picture of the building to align right, and then I'm happy with the banner.

Funny thing ... takes me back to my undergraduate days ... it's so much easier to write your own code than to try and modify somebody else's.

I could use Frontpage, but I feel like that's a cop-out - hee!

If anyone ever has any suggestions for that site - please let me know!

PS. I <3 Photoshop.

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