Sunday, December 17, 2006

I May Need Some Help

After getting back my memo, and having completed the 100% Constitutional Final, I'm having problems trying to motivate myself for the last two midterms that I write (worth 20%). Property and Criminal. SOOOOO HARD! Seriously, it is so hard to motivate now! I need some inspiration or something. I'm trying to fight falling into the Christmas flow, so far ... I'm hanging on by my fingertips.

Yesterday I finished up a few crafty-type Christmas gifts ... which was super satisfying. I was feeling like I wasn't going to get one gift done, and now I know that I will (still a few finishing touches necessary, shouldn't take too long).

I keep thinking about my Mom's baking, and all I want to do is bake some gingerbread cookies (for two reasons, 1) to smell up this place like Christmas, and 2) because one of my roomies said she hates gingerbread, and I see it as a challenge to bake her the softest, yummiest gingerbread she's ever had).

But alas, I know that I should study.

I've started studying for property a few times already, but everytime that I sit down infront of the material, a starting place eludes me. I think it's because I know that we don't have to refer to the cases in the exam ... it's all rule driven, and our Prof doesn't care about referencing the rule back to the case (therefore, I'm not going to). I think not starting at the cases is what's screwing me up, since that's where I started every other time.

Well, maybe I'll just hammer through the syllabus and see where that gets me.

At least for Criminal, I can revert back to the tactic of starting at the cases.

AND ... here's me starting to study Property ... AGAIN!

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